

A Moroccan man arrested in Spain for spreading ISIS propaganda on social media

Temps de lecture: 1'

A Moroccan man was arrested Tuesday, 24th of April, in the Basque region northern Spain for publishing jihadist propaganda and trying to recruit people for ISIS, said EFE and Xinhua quoting the Spanish Interior Ministry.

The Spanish Civil Guard arrested the 24-year-old suspect in the city of Andoain after searching his place «in order to recover all of the evidence of his intense activity in internet and social media», said the same source.

Born in Al Hoceima, the arrestee is believed to have had «access to abundant audio-visual material from Syria and Iraq». He allegedly used multiple profiles on social media to «maintain a multitude of contacts with individuals both inside and outside Spain».

He presumably made use of social media to send and publish jihadist propaganda inciting people to fight for the terrorist organization.

The arrest was part of a different operation carried out in Malaga where another 35-year-old Moroccan man accused of sending money to his wife to fight for ISIS was arrested. The latter is considered to be one of the «most wanted and dangerous terrorists in Europe».

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