

US Ambassador : Recognition of Morocco's sovereignty over Sahara is «historical fact»

Temps de lecture: 1'

As her term ends, US Ambassador to Algeria Elizabeth Moore Aubin addressed the US position on Western Sahara in a recent interview with Algerian media.

She acknowledged the recognition of Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara by former President Donald Trump in 2020. «This proclamation hasn't been changed by the Biden administration because it's considered a historical fact», she explained.

However, Ambassador Aubin emphasized the Biden administration's different approach. «The US now supports the UN-led efforts by the Secretary-General and his envoy to find a lasting solution» to the conflict. This resulted in the appointment of Staffan de Mistura as the new UN envoy in 2021.

While negotiations haven't resumed since 2019, the US continues to view the Moroccan autonomy plan as a viable solution, a position held since 2008, according to Aubin.

Regarding the normalization of relations between Morocco and Israel, Ambassador Aubin downplayed concerns about tension with Algeria. «There are many issues that cause tension», she said, emphasizing Algeria's right to make its own decisions. However, she doesn't see Israel as a threat to Algeria.

The Ambassador concluded by expressing hope for dialogue between Algeria and Morocco: «I believe Algerians and Moroccans, as neighbors, friends, and sometimes families, can find solutions if they sit down and talk».

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