Peace all, This forum is not very crowded and therefor it's useless to seperate it in 3 sections. That's my opinion about your ...Suite
[] Re: Why the Silence about Zarqawi?
11 juin 2006 à 23:04
In the Dutch-Moroccan forums the discussion about this criminal is neverending. Everybody wants to share their opinion about this matter and ofcourse there are some (allthough they're in the ...Suite
[] Re: Movie Marock
7 juin 2006 à 00:18
Loved the movie. I'm going to watch it again on the 11th of June with a friend of mine. Hope she'll enjoy it, because she's a narrowminded Moroccan. ...Suite
[] Re: Moroccan jews
1 juin 2006 à 13:22
Hi all, Chelhman, thank you kindly for the information. I'm glad to read that you didn't get offended by my question. Also thanks to you, Driss. And Driss, I searched the i-net for 'Amrane Bin ...Suite
[] Re: Moroccan jews
1 juin 2006 à 10:59
Funny that a lot you got offended by the truth. Yes, it is the truth that (Moroccan) muslims discriminate Jews and yes, it also happens vice versa. I never claimed that Jews were/are angels. ...Suite
[] Re: Moroccan jews
31 mai 2006 à 23:37
Marocain Fier, The reason why I asked if the Jews left Morocco because of the discrimination of the islamic population, is because it's the truth. Moroccan Jews get discriminated. I'm a Moroccan ...Suite
salam , I understand your opinion too..see the thing is I don't wanna explain everything with the religion (wich doesn't mean I don't beleive in islam of course )...cose firstly this ...Suite
Hi everyone, Salam Tifah, if the homosexuality is an "mental/ psychological" probleme as you called it not many countries would give the homosexuals the right to married and even ...Suite
God created earth, so why should it matter where we get burried? Some even claim that a muslim should get burried at a muslim cemetary. I find that BS. God created earth, why should there be a ...Suite
Salam Yani, Two heads are better than one. That's absolutely true. I never claimed that people should not pay attention to scholars, but people need to be carefull with choosing ...Suite
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13 mars 1982
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