[] bah
11 septembre 2006 à 16:02
attend une minute mon amis. je m'oppose a certains points... copier aveuglément c'est une erreur... mais meme les barbus du PJD parlent de copier l'occident quand ca ne s'oppose pas a nos valeurs ...Suite
[] Re: Is Bush an idiot ?
11 septembre 2006 à 14:08
I wish i could give you a sophiticated answer... but the answer is "HELL YEAH !" ...Suite
[] Re: Questioning the war from within
11 septembre 2006 à 14:06
I personnaly make the difference between Jews and Zionists... the Jews follow a religion, and their religion gives credit to good behavior and truth... I personnaly trust them and like them a lot. ...Suite
yep, he is a religious fanatic, he will say the truth most of the time... at least what he knows or does see as truth... so, he is like a crazy person or a kid, telling the truth... it's what i ...Suite
[] Re: *IN* Morocco?
11 septembre 2006 à 13:20
hum, excuse me, just a second, but what is the meaning of "Western raised Morrocan"... you forget the Western influence... but i personnaly accuse these people without identity... they fell for ...Suite
11 septembre 2006 à 13:16
hello dear chelhman, Religion is pack of values in our culture... and as Muslims, we follow it, even in Morroco, so yes, we judge people with their religion, because for some reasons, religions took ...Suite
[] Re: Moroccan History
11 septembre 2006 à 13:05
hello Let me give you a little advice, most Morrocans from the public schools know only a part or an "adapted" version of history... Because the people who made the books and manuals used in the ...Suite
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11 sept. 2006 12:40
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