Samiup, Believe me he doesn’t have a clue just smocke out of his behind “blocking of VoIP solutions is not enforced 24/7” that’s technically absurd. FYI ...Suite
really foufita hta nti kan 3ndek le meme probleme nhar katkhdem o nhar non? LOL ...Suite
lol this dude ghir bouhdo kaytra3ad I guess he got some issues and i am done talking to u Mr mature!!! The people I mentioned Chaiba are not doing any thing illegal and it s still working for them, ...Suite
I know Chaiba, really like u said we just wanna call our parents and it seems like every thing is a ...Suite
1. Mac or MAC , SUDO or Runas you know exactly what I meant. 2. UPS and other firms are using the same UDP ports for VoIP 3. I know for fact Vonage and Magicjack are still working without a ...Suite
Hello Sudo, Since u mentioned TOS, do u think they are blocking a particular Mac address from accessing ports 5060 and 5070 or they shutting the 2 ports from the main interface? The reason I m ...Suite
We are having the same issue, I contacted the customer service and I was told the same thing but another friend said that their magicjack is still working, I dunno what s going on:( I am thinking it ...Suite
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