mr alidas, the story of alidas is very charming it reminds me of an other story famous in the arab world: we invented the zero:666apparently we are so proud we invented the zero that we love and ...Suite
from morocco to england , you better use: BMCE, BANQUE MAROCAINE DES COMMERCES EXTERIEURS , i think they have a branch somewhere in london , check their web site , a lot of people use them to ...Suite
(tu)le fan club du pjd lololol:clap:tout a fait raison c est ce que j ai remarque (tm) J'ai une question pour le fan club du PJD : imaginons qu'un parti marocain ...Suite
adds , i have seen with my own eyes one day bush wearing adidas and that put me of it , i took my adidas and burned it :clap:,its definitely have a bad reputation lollllllNike is much more for ...Suite
lurcher , halifax has a very good transfer service , very secure and efficient , it is a 24 hours service , 7 days a week , sometimes i transfer money to wafabank at night on saturday evening just by ...Suite
optimal ,(tm)c est ton choix , j espere qu il te donnne des laptops gratuit , des billets gratuits pour aller a la mecque et le plus important svp , dans votre prochaine reunion pouvez vous poser ...Suite
faire sensation6:!???le journaliste est devenu un imam qui ecrit des fatwas en ecrivant: j encourage toUt le monde a participer a ce INTAFADA6:!ou est le respect de ce journalist barbu a l ordre ...Suite
juste un remarque pour ceux qui disent ou est le probleme ce parti recoit ces millions de dollars chaque annee de ce al quraichi Group , la reponse est tres simple : ce groupe des societes al ...Suite
well mr adidas , :666tough love won t work in an arab society simply because it is a society which doesn t base it s decison on logical thinking but on feelings , and emotions in addition to this ...Suite
i think the strong smell from the adidas s rubber makes some people not just thick but the center of the joke and very dizzy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy if a person bought a retirment house in morocco to ...Suite
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