Kamal, don't be naive. Divorce rate is low in Arabic countries not because marriages are successful, but because women have practically no voice! In many places, they cannot legally file for ...Suite
Vous avez raison. Je n'ai que du respect pour toutes formes fe cultures et coutumes. C'etait juste ma propre opinion conecrnant l'affection en ...Suite
Sur la joue, le front ou la bouche, je ne vois aucune difference. C'est juste une expression d'amour que le couple exprime pour la premeire fois comme couple marie. Rien de drole ou taboo a ...Suite
Here is an attempt. It wasn't very easy to translate some sentences that didn't really make too much sense to me, but I tried. I hope that this helps.; The first part of the ...Suite
I noticed that Souad has the same sort of attitude in other blogs. Opposing anything and anyone may be just a way to seek attention. The best way to deal with it is to ignore ...Suite
You still don't get my point. You don't get to decide where one's home is, what they identify with, nor do you get to declare what is important to you concerning other people (people ...Suite
My point Souado is that you sound judgmental, you moralize and you generalize (example: when you decide that I am angry). That is not a very acceptable way to debate or argue with someone you ...Suite
Only 6 years! I am impressed with your language skills. In most cases, the choice of words and the writing patterns indicate whether the thought process is done in a different language then ...Suite
Wow, finally someone who is not here to judge or shoot from the hip. Thank you Minniemouse for your input. I appreciate your support and answers to my original questions. I do find it, not just on ...Suite
Hmmm, those are a lot of assumptions and generalizations. Perhaps they are your plans, but remember that we are all different, and our priorities/choices are quite different too! Maybe I want to be ...Suite
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