well your totaly right, morocco is lost in this ...Suite
I would say where do you see your self over 10-20years from now or better said where do you want to bring your last days on this planet, Home or Canada? I dont know how it is in Canada, but buying ...Suite
What would you like to have in the ...Suite
Hi, I am totaly against homosexuality, but than again each lives his one life. So as long as they dont call them selves muslims let them life their lives. I say as long as they dont call them ...Suite
hi, you have to see it as an investment. As an invester you have to choices with three possible results when things seem to go wrong. You can sell and loose a part of your investment(in the sahara ...Suite
I have been reading your posts, and I am not going to say you are right or wrong(I dont know I dont life in Morocco). From outside (on TV and the news online MAP) it looks if it gets better. I might ...Suite
The Netherlands, but only if you wish so (offcourse you need to be legal in the ...Suite
thank you(tm), anyone else that has an opinion on ...Suite
As I said, post your opinion please do say, but if you read what I said, you will see that I said do not post if you cant give your opinion without attacking someone personal. About the topic ...Suite
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