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ce que vous pensez s'il vous plait
9 janvier 2005 00:55
quand j'ai rencontre mon mari, il avait un ami disant intime il est marie aussi, je les ai rencontre 4 fois but I didn't like them at all, they are the type khadrine LOL, things didn't wrok out well between us and we stopped talking to them and dealing with them for 3years and my husband thought it was the right thing to do because of all the bad things they did and they couple weeks ago we meet and the guy doesn't stop calling us (every day) so my husband wants to start this relatioship with them but I don't want husband tells me that I am not a nice person and we start arguing all the time because of them(he says ina allah gafour rahoum that was the past)...what would u do in this case??? u can write in French
Merci de vous lire

Modifié 1 fois. Dernière modification le 09/01/05 00:57 par lilausa.
9 janvier 2005 01:40
et vous aussi (en francaiss)si non vous n' aurez pas bcp de reponse,

c'est :

cilato arahimm
smiling smiley

Modifié 2 fois. Dernière modification le 09/01/05 01:46 par romh.
9 janvier 2005 01:51
I wouldn´t re-establish a relation with someone I already dropped. May be one should give a it chance, but how many chances are there. Especially if you broke up because of bad behaviour. is there any chance they would change, and not do the same things again?
9 janvier 2005 02:19
thanks cali that's what I am afraid of, I told my husband that but it seems like they washed his brain all of a sudden..I m lost...
Sorry romh but I can't express myself in french
9 janvier 2005 02:32
Did they at least appologise to you ?
9 janvier 2005 02:43
mais tu as bien commencewinking smiley
en ecrivant ton irsal
9 janvier 2005 03:19
ce me prends beacoup de temps romh
no they didn't cali, he is thinking that they might have changed, should I give them a second chance? I m afraid of problems

Modifié 1 fois. Dernière modification le 09/01/05 03:22 par lilausa.
9 janvier 2005 03:59
It you´re husband absolutely wants to see them, then he´s free. You don´t have to if you don´t feel like it. And even if you see them again you don´t have to open your heart as if nothing happened.
And remember:
" Si quelqu´un te trahi une fois c´est de sa faute; s´il te trahi une deuxieme fois, c´est de ta faute"

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