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stage in laboratory UK
15 September 2007 19:46

i want to do a stage in laboraory in UK
but i don't know where...?

can you help me, give me any information about this please

15 September 2007 20:28

It looks like you need to search with universities ,have a look at what google come up with :
Typical employers
Employers who offer this work are potentially all educational institutions from secondary school upwards. These may be in rural or urban areas and include schools, sixth-form colleges, further education colleges, universities and other higher education institutes. Education providers in both the public and independent sector offer technician posts. The still expanding specialist schools programme, where certain schools become local centres of excellence for particular subject groups (in this case the sciences), may be a particularly useful source of employment.

The size of the institution for which you work and the range of courses it offers is likely to affect the scope of your job:

in a small school, you may be the only laboratory technician and your work may be part-time and term-time only;
in a large university with a strong scientific research tradition, you may be part of a large team of technicians with a clearly defined career structure.
Find graduate employers on

See this link:[]

Good luck
24 September 2007 03:09
Hi asma,

I think that you have to find out what area interest you, before you start looking. Bioindustry, food and hygiene, hospitals, Pharmaceutical etc. Each domaine will or can offer you a specific training and competence. At least that way you avoid working in a lab that wouldn´t give you the profesional training that you need further in your carrer.
And most important for how long time? Is the training in connection with BTS, a bachelor or masters?


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