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morrocans in ireland
23 November 2005 18:37
hey everyone,
just wondering if they are many morrocans living in Ireland?would appreciate a reply.
24 November 2005 13:55
I guess there are people from Ireland here, i am a Moroccan from the Netherlands.. And i think there are not many people from the Netherlands here.. confused smiley well, they are everywhere grinning smiley
24 November 2005 19:25
hey yea theres at least one irish person here anyway!i was just interested to see wwhos here!!!so where you living?is everybody up in dublin?!!!!:+)
24 November 2005 23:41
I am in danmark, there people from Usa, Sweden, Norway ..UK.. Italy .. Australia..many places Holland too

and now ireland isn´t that lovely.. "Kitty" just for u to know no Guiness is allowed in her..only Moroccan thé is allowed hehehehe.

25 November 2005 14:41
really?!!not even a little bit of guiness?!!!thats ok!!morrocan thé it is so.yea i saw ireland wasnt represented sso i said id just make an appearance and say hi!(",)
26 November 2005 16:34
u are welcome to represente ireland..Kitty
may be u can tell us some more about ireland??

how is the muslim comnunity there?
26 November 2005 22:59
hey well what can i say?its a wonderfull country and the people are really friendly.maybe thats a biased opinion on my part but i think its true!!!!
I am not actually muslim myself but i do have several friends who are.its a small community but its pretty strong.most colleges do have muslim societies so theres a strong sense of community(",)so anything interesting about denmark?ive never been there.

thanks for making me feel welcome.:+)
26 November 2005 23:52
Danmark is pretty cold country , people too. but is wonderdfull the landskabe is fanatstic even with out montain,.

people are very calme and quiet , they need a couple drinks before they can introduce them selvs but is ok.

i have some few Irish friends over her, nice guys can´t complain..they have a big comunity over her, is easy to get in touch with them. just go to an irish pub so u find them ..

hehehe have a nice weekend everybody.

I thought you were Moroccan in Irland?

28 November 2005 14:12
hey,i guess we are everywhere yea thats usually the best place to find them!!!no im irish but ive a few morrocan friends and my boyfriend is morroacan, so i hear about it ALL the time! so sometimes i feel like i am.:+)
28 November 2005 20:41
kitty:+) a écrit:
> hey everyone,
> just wondering if they are many morrocans living
> in Ireland?would appreciate a reply.
> thanks.

are you from ireland ? I'm from belgium and want to have some information about ireland ? improving english
29 November 2005 18:18
hey yea im from ireland.what type of information would you like?what do you want to know?i was actually in belgium two weeks ago,lovely country.
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