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Moroccans converted to Christianity demand their rights a few weeks before...
13 décembre 2017 15:27
According to wikipedia and by reading you article. A huge progress is achieved in Morocco


File:Imad Iddine Habib on Blasphemy and Apostasy in Morocco.webmPlay media
Imad Iddine Habib on blasphemy and apostasy in Morocco.
Main articles: Religion in Morocco § Freedom of religion, Irreligion in Morocco, and Human rights in Morocco

The penal code of Morocco does not impose the death penalty for apostasy. However, Islam is the official state religion of Morocco under its constitution. Article 41 of the Moroccan constitution gives fatwa powers (habilitée, religious decree legislation) to the Supreme Council of Religious Scholars, which issued a religious decree, or fatwa, in April 2013 that Moroccan Muslims who leave Islam must be sentenced to death.[252][253] However, Mahjoub El Hiba, a senior Moroccan government official, denied that the fatwa was in any way legally binding.[254] This decree was retracted by the Moroccan High Religious Committee in February 2017 in a document titled "The Way of the Scholars."[255] It instead states that apostasy is a political stance rather than a religious issue, equatable to 'high treason'.

When he was 14, Imad Iddine Habib came out as an atheist to his family, who expelled him. Habib stayed with friends, got a degree in Islamic studies and founded the Council of Ex-Muslims of Morocco in 2013. Secret services started investigating him after a public speech criticising Islam, and Habib fled to England, after which he was sentenced to seven years in prison in absentia.[256]
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