hello all friends in the world! i create this subject to speak english with others persons, it's for a long time that i didn't speak this good langauge ! your are welcome!
le Maroc au coeur.
Ah ! Que lentement la vérité fait son chemin dans les esprits...
sorry I'm not an native english person, stherefore I can't master the language.
Hope ppl from america would take part in the discussion
Message edité (17-08-04 15:15)
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau.
Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau !
Sans mentir, si votre ramage
Se rapporte à votre plumage,
Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
i don't speak english very well, but i'll try to do my best for you...
what do you want to speak to ????
when i was on my years 's college, I speak english well, or very well,
even i like very much this language I have lost lots of words...
you're welcome too hamou !!
see you next...
à la recherche d'une assisante commerciale polyvalente, dégourdie, dynamique, et réactive !!!!!je suis làààààààààààààààààà
à la recherche d'une assisante commerciale polyvalente, dégourdie, dynamique, et réactive !!!!!je suis làààààààààààààààààà
Thére will bi à lotte (au curry) ovf taîme Aîe (ça fait mal) wonte spiique ingliche widze Sam badé batte de livele ovf tolque wose a litele bite (excuses) lawer dan Aîe (oui encore) expécted.
Hello, but what you have the friends? you lost your language or what? I want to discuss well the holidays in Morocco for example, are you spending well holidays? tell your holidays too.
le Maroc au coeur.
Ah ! Que lentement la vérité fait son chemin dans les esprits...
à la recherche d'une assisante commerciale polyvalente, dégourdie, dynamique, et réactive !!!!!je suis làààààààààààààààààà
i don't go on holidays...i can't because of my work...
i don't mind...maybe next year...or for christmas or ramadhan
my uncle is died...(allah irahmouh)...and last year i spent my holidays in a hospital, i take care of my grandmother...
that's all...
i will go to marseille on september...do you know this country ?????
à la recherche d'une assisante commerciale polyvalente, dégourdie, dynamique, et réactive !!!!!je suis làààààààààààààààààà
c bien but who are you ???????????????????????????????????????????
i don't know you....
tell me your name, firstname, address, years, ...
i'm not serious...i joke with you...if i can to say that...like that...
i love english but i lose very lots of words...
excuse me if you don't understand what i write but i do all my best...
à la recherche d'une assisante commerciale polyvalente, dégourdie, dynamique, et réactive !!!!!je suis làààààààààààààààààà
N'oublions pas que la langue de Shakespear a fait sa place au moyens de "mass murders" en Amérique Latine en particulier et dans le monde en générale. Il n'y a pas pire que les USA pour foutre le Bronx.
Alors je préfére rester Zen et parler Chinois. Car il y a bien 1 milliard deux cent cinquante millions de Chinois qui forment la majorité en terme démocratique.
There is a hadith about that : one has to learn the language(s) of his ennemy(ies). There is no way to escape..... ...................... And no excuse to not learn english.
Besides english is spoken in India, Pakistan , South Africa, and in many european countries ( this globally more than one billion peoples).
Don´t think and believe that french is very spoken outside of France , orsome subsaharian countries ( very poor ones , with whom we have almost no exchange nor trade) and Maghreb (and I believe we use arabic or dialects to communicate among ourseleves).
Other points : you will be able to understand most of songs.....and surf the net with a huuuuuuuuuuuge choices....
Willi ma cheftouni rahmou alyia
Wana rani machit, wana rani mchit
wel houl eddani
Fathi .... dima ghiwani
> Hello ! > > It would be interressant to open a place for the inglish > spoken, all the languages are good to know and speak.
it is very interressant what you say !
really much more interressant than what i tought
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau.
Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau !
Sans mentir, si votre ramage
Se rapporte à votre plumage,
Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."