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Build up of Israeli troops on Palestinian border, plus Britain thinktank lins...
18 July 2005 11:22
Build up of Israeli troops on Palestinian border

I hope this is not going to escalate, I just heard they were considering a full scale invasion of Paletine if Hamas didn't stop firing rockets etc tec. The news is very biaised in English, I hope they are just scaremongering?

Any other information on this?

I can't believe they are thinking of this... don't they realise what everyone else knows? If you repress and kill a people eventually they will fight back, and then no-one is safe it just escalates. If they can figure it out in Britain, can't the Israelis somehow work it out?

Eg. this news report below from the Guardian:


Tube bombs 'linked to Iraq conflict'

· Thinktank says war boosts al-Qaida
· Blair dismisses connection

David Hencke, Westminster correspondent
Monday July 18, 2005
The Guardian

Britain's involvement in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan contributed to the terrorist attacks in London, a respected independent thinktank on foreign affairs, the Chatham House organisation, says today.

According to the body, which includes leading academics and former civil servants among its members, the key problem in the UK for preventing terrorism is that the country is "riding as a pillion passenger with the United States in the war against terror".

It says Britain's ability to carry out counter-terrorism measures has also been hampered because the US is always in the driving seat in deciding policy.
18 July 2005 23:07
I don't know about this story. I have had the BBC news on virtually all day and the only story they covered concerning Israel/Palestine was the protest march by Israelis to demonstrate against the withdrawal from Gaza. The report said that the troops would not allow them to march and it was an illegal demonstration, and also said that the majority of Israelis (58%) support the withdrawal from the Gaza strip. Sharon said that nothing would stop the withdrawal.
Interestingly - another report today showed Muslim Imams in the UK - over 500 of them - have declared a 'Fatwa' on suicide bombers.
20 July 2005 01:47

I think the news here must just be scaremongering then... it's quite striking the difference in news that is reported through different services in different locations.

I'm very glad abotu the fatwa, it's about time.

20 July 2005 17:33
I agree with you - the media has a lot to answer for. I truly think they make matters worse by stirring things up out of all proportion just to make a good story. I suppose they are a necessary evil. Sometimes I just wish they would emphasise the positive things in our society.
21 July 2005 14:30
yes, exactly : )

Well, I'm working on it.
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