

Terror cell dismantled in Morocco : Seized substances used to manufacture explosives

(avec MAP)
Temps de lecture: 1'

The scientific expertise conducted by the Central Bureau of Judicial Investigations (BCIJ) on suspicious substances seized after the dismantling, on 25 October, of a terrorist cell affiliated to ISIS revealed that they are chemicals used in the manufacture of explosives and deadly poisons with dangerous effects on human beings and the environment.

In a statement, the Interior ministry said that the same expertise revealed that the firearms seized from the members of this cell were in good condition and ready for use, adding that the rest of the seized electronic products are components used to produce energy and increase the power of the explosion.

The dismantling of the terrorist cell in Tamaris (Casablanca suburb), Ouezzane and Chefchaouen, has led to the arrest so far of seven individuals who planned to carry out a series of imminent terrorist operations against sensitive infrastructure and strategic sites with a view to proclaiming a Wilaya affiliated to the terrorist organization under the name «Wilaya Daesh (ISIS) in the Islamic Maghreb», the same source added.

Investigations are still ongoing with the suspects under the supervision of the competent prosecutor's office, the statement concluded.

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