

Moroccan teachers' English training at the heart of Moroccan-British talks in London

(avec MAP)
Temps de lecture: 1'

The training of Moroccan teachers in English was at the center, on Monday in London, of a meeting between Minister of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research Said Amzazi and Minister of State for the Middle East at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Alistair Burt.

During these talks, held on the sidelines of the World Education Forum, in the presence of Director of the British Council John Mitchell and Secretary of State for vocational training Mohamed Rherras, the two officials discussed ways to support Morocco in training English language trainers, especially in scientific disciplines such as mathematics, physics and chemistry, Amzazi told MAP.

The presence of Morocco in this world forum is very important for the sector since it will allow to share viewpoints among a hundred ministers of Education and will help place the Moroccan national system at the heart of major international reform projects, said the minister.

For his part, Burt stressed the need to offer the Moroccan students the opportunity to continue their studies in British universities and encourage academic exchanges between the two countries.

Director of the British Council confirmed his will to begin this project of language training of teachers teaching scientific subjects in Arabic, in the prospect of the adoption by Morocco of a new law on teaching these scientific subjects in foreign languages.

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