

Belgium : 600 unaccompanied minor migrants have disappeared in one year

600 unaccompanied minor migrants have disappeared in one year./Ph. UNICEF
Temps de lecture: 1'

Based on recent data compiled by the Belgian authorities, 618 unaccompanied minor migrants have disappeared in one year. Compared to 2015 and 2016, the numbers have grown significantly, reports Belgian news agency Belga. In fact, only 277 unaccompanied minors were missing three years ago, while 284 others disappeared two years earlier.

The newly released figures are worrying as they have reached 618 disappearances in 2017. 124 cases were reported by Child Focus. Moreover, the foundation created to protect children fears that this number is just part of the truth, especially since no one has presented yet figures indicating how many minors have disappeared in the last 18 years on the European territory.

Edward Landtsheere, from the Guardianship Service at the Federal Public Service Justice, says he is actually receiving more and more young migrants : «Earlier than before, we are trying to convince them to come to our centers and ask for asylum. However, these young people most of the time try to flee again to join another country».

Meanwhile, Hilde Vautmans an MEP who published a book on this issue, wants to submit next week a resolution and a series of recommendations to the European Parliament. Quoted by Belga, the resolution indicates that «the disappearances of Belgian children are reported within 24 hours. For minor migrants, it can take days, sometimes weeks».

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