

Interior Minister receives new UNSG special representative and head of Minurso

Colin Stewart, the new special representative of the UN Secretary General for the Sahara and Head of the MINURSO./Ph. DR
Temps de lecture: 1'

Interior Minister Abdelouafi Laftit received on Friday the new special representative of the UN Secretary General for the Sahara and Head of the MINURSO, Colin Stewart.

At this meeting, Laftit assured the UNSG special representative of the support of the Moroccan authorities in carrying out his functions, underlining that the Kingdom will continue its support to the MINURSO in fulfilling its mandate.

Laftit reiterated Moroccan authorities’ warning against continued provocations and actions of the Polisario in the buffer zone and, particularly, in El Guergarate, whose consequences could undermine peace and security in the region and hinder the negotiation process to reach a solution to the artificial conflict over the Moroccan Sahara.

Stewart commended on the welcome he received and reiterated his commitment to continuing efforts to comply with military agreements and return to the status quo in El Guergarate region, in accordance with the UN Secretary-General's call on January 6th, 2018.

The meeting was attended by the Governor in charge of Coordination with the Minurso, Hamid Barez, and the UNSG special representative’s adviser Alexander Ivanko.

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