

Italy : A Moroccan national set the bar where he used to wor on fire

The bar after fir-fighters controlled the fire./Ph. Newspress
Temps de lecture: 1'

A Moroccan national put the bar where he used to work on fire after being fired on Wednesday night in Milan, Italy. Several Italian media outlets have reported the story today indicating that he worked in the bar located in Ferrara as a manager.

According to Il Giorno, the Moroccan employee was kicked off as he refused to pay «the beers he drunk». After 11 pm, the bar’s owner argued with the employee who was fired later.

Eye witnesses told the same source that the man came back a few minutes later carrying two bottles filled with gasoline and put the bar ablaze. «At that moment the clients rushed out», states Il Giorno. According to the latter, the Moroccan national has not been identified yet.

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