

Italy : A Moroccan national finds 600 Euros and returns it to the police

Temps de lecture: 1'

To find a lot of money in a distributor and hand them back to the police is a very honorable gesture. In fact A Moroccan national living in Stra, a small town in Veneto, Italy did the same thing. The 52-year-old man found 600 Euros in a distributor when he was trying to retrieve some cash from the ATM, as reported by Il Gazzettino.

«When he approached the machine, he noticed that the cash machine has issued a ticket of 600 Euros. Getting a closer look, he saw that the money was stuck inside the machine. He took the money and went to the nearest police station», stated the Italian daily.

The Moroccan could have taken the money for himself and leave without being noticed but instead he did not think of keep it for himself.

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