

USA : David Serero to sing for Lalla Joumala on the feast of throne

David Serero, an opera singer./Ph. DR
Temps de lecture: 1'

David Serero, a French baritone opera singer will perform on Monday 31st of July in Washington D.C during a ceremony attended by Lalla Joumala, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco in the USA and organized to celebrate King Mohammed VI 18th anniversary of enthronement, BuzzFeed reports.

Speaking to the same source the singer stated that «Princess Lalla Joumala lives in the heart of every Moroccans in the United States and is a symbol of modernity and peace» adding that «to sing in Washington DC, the capital of the United States, for the most celebrated holiday of Morocco, the country of my ancestors, fills me with infinite gratitude».

For the record, David Serero has got Moroccan origins. His father was born in Fez, Morocco and he has always been proud of the Moroccan heritage and culture. The opera singer is also expected to sing at an open-air concert to be held in Washington D.C on the October the 1st to close the «Morocco Gate of Africa festival».

Princess Lalla Joumala Alalaoui was named Ambassador of Morocco to United States on October 2016 preceded by Rachad Bouhlal. She also served from 2009 to 2016 as Morocco’s Ambassador to the United Kingdom.

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