

The 2017 Fragile States index : Morocco an improving nation

Released on the 12th of May, the 2017 Fragile States Index has ranked Morocco 84th among other countries, assessing their social, economic and political situation. The ranking considers the Kingdom an improving nation yet assigns it an «elevated warning» state.

A map of the fragile countries rated by the Fragile States Index./Ph. Fund for Peace
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Morocco is 84th in the latest Fragile States Index ranking that was released on May the 12th. The annual rating published by the United States think tank, the Fund for Peace and the Foreign Policy magazine works on examining 178 countries based on 12 social, economic and political indicators. According to the report, Morocco is an improving nation in terms of stability.  With a total score of 74,9 points, the North African kingdom has been able to show progress over the years thus performing better than several neighboring countries such as Algeria (77th), Libya (23rd), Mauritania (28th) and Egypt (36th).

The Fragile States Index, is considered as a measuring tool that allows policy-makers, investors and the public to evaluate the political risk and «early warning of conflicts». For Morocco things are slowly yet surely advancing. Compared to last year, the Kingdom’s score has gained 0,7 points and climbed the scale towards fragility. The country’s dashboard showcases that it registered worsening results in 2009 moving to the 92nd place in the global list.

Progressive results

The same panel with the 12 indicators that rate the State’s demographic pressure, Human Flight and Brain Drain, public services and economic equality, gives an overview of the economic and the political situation in Morocco. From 2006 up to 2017, the Kingdom has scored worsening results regarding external intervention, Group grievance and Human Flight Brain Drain. Positive results were eyed in the Demographic pressures, public services, Security Apparatus, and economic decline indicators.

The international rating was topped by South Sudan, as the most fragile nation in the world followed by Somalia (2nd), and the Central African Republic (3rd). Authors of the report indicate that Africa and the Middle East are home to the most fragile states. The global list puts Finland (178th) as the most stable country in the world among Norway (177th), Switzerland (176th), Denmark (175th), and Sweden (174th). For Arab nations, the Fragile States Index ranked UAE (147th) as the most fragile Arab country followed by Qatar (146th).  

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