

The bird captured and mistreated in Fnideq finally released

M13 with M14 after being released into the wild./Ph. BirdLife. Rachid El Khamlichi
Temps de lecture: 1'

A griffon vulture captured and mistreated by a group of teenagers in Fnideq in February 2017 has finally recovered from its woonds, BirdLife International reports. The Bird identified as M13 was freed by Group de Recherche pour la Protection des Oiseaux au Maroc (GREPOM), a partner of BirdLife organization that works on protecting birds around the world.

The Griffon was found, after being tortured by some young men who took pictures of it and posted them on social media, by the High Commission of Water and the Fight against Desertification.

For the record, the website indicates that the bird was first found and tagged at the Rabat Zoological Park in February and released on the 7th of the same month again bearing the sign of M13. However, a few days later, the griffon vulture flew to Lfnideq for food and got captured and abused.

The same source states that the organization is collaborating with Moroccan authorities to rescue abused animals and raise awareness among Moroccans concerning animal mistreatment in the country. Following the incident of the griffon vulture, the king’s attorney has opened an investigation to determine the people involved in the accident.

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