

The Polisario excluded from the Indonesia-Africa Forum

Temps de lecture: 1'

The Indonesian government did not invite the Polisario to the 2nd edition of the Indonesia-Africa Forum, to held in Bali on September 2 and 3. An exclusion that went unnoticed in Algiers and in the Tindouf camps.

Nevertheless, the President of the Council of the Nation (Algeria's upper house), in a speech read on his behalf yesterday at the first edition of the Indonesia-Africa Parliamentary Forum, also held in Bali, defended the Polisario's positions.

«We cannot ignore the continuation of the colonial phenomenon in occupied Western Sahara, and therefore we must demand the need to accelerate the decolonization of the last colony on the African continent», Salah Goudjil stressed.

On the sidelines of the Indonesia-Africa Forum, Nasser Bourita held talks today in Bali with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Ms Retno Marsudi.

Indonesia, a member of the UN Committee of 24, «supports the efforts of the UN Secretary-General and his Personal Envoy to advance the political process in Western Sahara and to find a just, lasting, mutually acceptable and realistic solution to the conflict».

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