

Polisario protests Spain's expulsion of Moroccan claiming Saharan activism

Temps de lecture: 1'

The Polisario takes issue with the decision by the Spanish justice system to expel a Moroccan national who claims to be a «Sahrawi activist». The Front's representative in the Netherlands, Fadel Brahim, denounced what he called «a despicable attitude| on the part of the left-wing coalition government chaired by Pedro Sánchez, reports El Mundo.

«Upon his return, he will face a very severe sentence», he told media during a sit-in held on Thursday, July 4, 2024, by pro-Polisario associations in front of the Spanish government sub-delegation in Bilbao.

The deportation of this 20-year-old, who presents himself as «a Sahrawi persecuted in Morocco», is reminiscent of the decision made in May 2019 against a Sahrawi couple born in Morocco who applied for political asylum upon their arrival at Barcelona airport. That same year, student Houcine Bachir Brahim, who arrived by boat in Lanzarote (Canary Islands), suffered the same fate.

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