

Moroccan NGO denounces Israeli warship docking in Tangier

Temps de lecture: 1'

The «Moroccan Front in support of Palestine and against normalization» is strongly opposed to the reception of an Israeli warship in a Moroccan port. The NGO deplores, in a statement published on Saturday, June 22, the «absence of reaction from the Moroccan state».

«The INS Komemiyut ship, belonging to the navy of the occupying army, which is currently waging a real genocidal war against the Palestinian people, docked at the port of Tangier on June 6, 2024, to refuel and stock up on food, before continuing its route to the port of Haifa», announces the Front.

The NGO regrets that the competent Moroccan authorities did not follow the Spanish example by refusing the passage of the Israeli warship in Moroccan waters. As a reminder, Madrid had prohibited the stopover in a Spanish port, on May 19, of the merchant ship Marianne Danica, coming from India and carrying weapons destined for Israel.

The Front believes that allowing the reception of the Israeli warship is «not only a violation of the decision of the International Court of Justice following the lawsuit filed by the Republic of South Africa against the Zionist entity (January 27, 2024), but an encouragement to the Zionist enemy». The same source indicates that «the issue will be strongly present in the upcoming demonstrations that the Front will organize, especially at the level of the city of Tangier».

The «Moroccan Front of support for Palestine and against normalization» had already warned, on June 1, about the passage in Moroccan waters of ships carrying weapons to Israel.

For its part, the Globes site states that «the new landing ship of the Israeli navy, the INS Komemiyut, made a stopover in Tangier to refuel while sailing between the United States and Israel». Globes announces that the first of the two landing crafts purchased by Israel, the INS Nachshon, had also docked in Morocco in September 2023.

Morocco and Israel signed a military cooperation agreement in November 2021.

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