

A Moroccan army drone kills 4 armed Polisario members in the buffer zone

Ph. Fadel Senna - AFP
Temps de lecture: 1'

A Royal Armed Forces drone killed four Polisario members on Wednesday, January 3, in the town of M’Hiriz, located in the buffer zone, a newspaper close to the Front reported. The airstrike also injured three other individuals, who were also preparing to carry out an operation against positions held by the Moroccan army, east of the sand wall.

A MINURSO team has visited the scene of attack. The peacekeepers plan to write a report on the incident, to submit it to the United Nations. In recent months, the Polisario has doubled its attacks, particularly after firing missiles on October 28 and November 5 against civilians in Es-Smara.

Through these attacks, the separatist movement wants to show to the international community the existence of a «war» against Morocco, while the United States is putting pressure on all parties for the resumption of the political process.

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