

Polisario attacks on Es-Smara discussed at the European Parliament

Temps de lecture: 1'

French MEP Thierry Mariani of the far-right Identity and Democracy Group addressed the missiles fired by the Polisario on Es-Smara on October 28 and November 4. In a written question addressed to the European Commission, the MEP argues that these attacks «were aimed solely at the civilian population and caused several injuries and deaths. This situation poses a risk to stability of the region, and this could cause collateral damage for EU Member States».

Mariani specifies that «different sources have highlighted the possible links between the Polisario Front and Islamist terrorist groups. In fact, the founder of the Islamic State – Sahel Province, Adnan Abu Walid al-Sahrawi, used to fight for the Polisario Front».

In his written question, the MEP wants to know if the European Commission «considers the attacks against civilians in Smara to be acts of terrorism? And if the Commission is considering suspending funding for the refugee camps in the south-west of Algeria, which are solely controlled and managed by the Polisario Front?»

For the record, in February 2023 in an answer to a written question from French MEP Brice Hortefeux, the European Commission already indicated that it «does not have information on possible collaboration between the Polisario and terrorist groups in the region» but «will continue to closely monitor developments in the situation».

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