Nou meisje, je slaat de spijker op zn ...Suite
Its including the Moroccans with a Dutch ...Suite
lekker belangrijk allemaal, ik kots van die fransen. Ik denk dat wij de enige 3 Marokkanen uit Nederland die gebruik maken van deze ...Suite
Anyway, here in the Netherlands, the number is: 435 127 (official number by Dutch authorities, date: 01-01-2008). Excluding the illegale ...Suite
[] Re: free moroccan movies
3 mai 2008 à 23:09
so does you thibking now maybe the guvrment like talebaan or like in iran ahmedjabid will help peoples learn islaam and our sisters not out in streets with white ...Suite
dear all i want know if prostitution is legal or illegal in morocco. if legal then which cities it is made legal? thanks U Are you interested in opening a Club in ...Suite
[] Re: my family in morocco
3 mai 2008 à 23:01
brothers and sisters in islam. i want to get a very honest opinion from everyone. my family in morocco, mother wears a neqab and so do both of my sisters and my older brother's ...Suite
WHY MOSLUM WOMAN CANNOT MARRY A NON-MOSLUM MAN? “It is not permissible for a Muslim woman to marry a kafir (non-Muslim), whether he is Jewish, Christian or an atheist because ...Suite
[] Re: CANADA: how is life there?
4 avril 2008 à 21:43
Kabi101 Why are you so obssesed by Canada. Stay in Morocco, there is more chance to make than in any western countries. Morocco is a virgin, the economy is growing fast, FDI is massive, tourisme is ...Suite
[] Re: CANADA: how is life there?
28 mars 2008 à 16:11
The best place in Canada, to live i think Vancouver. Im ...Suite
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Date de naissance:
22 mars 1980
Date d'enregistrement:
8 nov. 2007 21:44
Dernière visite:
8 sept. 2010 18:25
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