[] Re: “the eternal post” English version
17 septembre 2007 à 22:29
wedding========> ...Suite
[] Re: “the eternal post” English version
16 septembre 2007 à 09:53
blue =========> ...Suite
[] Re: what an idiot!!!!!
21 août 2007 à 08:35
First of I am glad that you edited your post where you acused me of being a terorist. I don´t know where you get this idea that i support teorrism, but it must be because you see people ass been ...Suite
[] Re: unemployment
20 août 2007 à 18:36
Shireen-->The system is the people, developed countries became that because of hard work from the people. Arabs have become lazy and corrupt and there will be no development unless the attitude ...Suite
[] Re: what an idiot!!!!!
20 août 2007 à 18:24
And you think you are a good person by generelising a whole party (on of the biggest) based on one single act of a member (we don't even know that he is a member or that a bomb even exploaded). ...Suite
He he Exactly movie is good but the camera work sux ...Suite
[] Re: Morocco wake up!!!
12 août 2007 à 11:42
If only half of the people living abroad or half of the rich peopel in Morocco paid their Zakat, at least peopel wouldn't go hungry in bed. Another thing is interest money, instead of spending the ...Suite
[] Re: unemployment
11 août 2007 à 19:58
The people is the problem, we allways try to finde an easy way and if we can't find it we blame others or the government/coruption/jews/weather and you name it. I have said it before and I will say ...Suite
[] Re: Father in Morocco
7 août 2007 à 11:55
Interessting develpoment, we are all ears and we look forward to the next chapeter in this tragic teenage love ...Suite
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The Dark side of the Moon
Date d'enregistrement:
12 juil. 2007 22:27
Dernière visite:
8 sept. 2010 18:25
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