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juste pour les femmes
13 juillet 2004 14:27
HI ladies,
j'ai un grand probleme et je veux savoir if it happens to you, je m'excuse pour mon francaissmiling smiley before you ladies get your period, PMS,Regles do you become enraged, stressed and... I know most women become like that but for me it's crazy, every month the same date I fight with my husband for no reason and I cry for no reason and... is there a remedy do u think?it's not god for my married life every month same storyyy.... what do u do quand vous etes dans cet etat de rage LOL(pour moi)? MERCI
13 juillet 2004 14:31
Je ne peux pas t'aider, car quand je vais avoir mes regles, je suis simplement fatiguer sans plus...
13 juillet 2004 14:33
Hie awatifd !

you take medicamments against the stress when you have your rules?

13 juillet 2004 14:35
I will definately go to the doctor because it 's getting worse every month
13 juillet 2004 14:35


Are you really sure there is a link between your period and your enragement ?? Does it happen every month ? Really ??

If so the best thing to do is ask your doctor about some medecine, he will probably have someting efficient for you, and some advices about how to stand your husband during this period grinning smiley

It depends on people, usually when a woman gets angry , men think we are in moonlight phasis...grinning smiley Never their fault, Always grinning smiley ours....eye rolling smiley
13 juillet 2004 14:38
yes chireen I swear same time I just checked the calendar it's crazy LOL
13 juillet 2004 14:40
hummmmm non ! pas pour moi

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13 juillet 2004 14:40
I know chireen for me I can handle myself but for him you know how it is... (by the way it lasts for 3 days had la rage wallah)which is too much
13 juillet 2004 14:41
yeah karmoss that's why i mentioned in the subject juste les femmes guys are nosyyyyyyyy LOL
13 juillet 2004 14:42

Well, so obviously there is a link, go and see your doctor quickly !!! or your husband will have to move far from you every month...
There are so many reasons we ( men and women) argue, if we can avoid some of them, it won't be unwelcome winking smiley
13 juillet 2004 14:46
salut ma jolie ana nebri alhoub wa khlasse aila kayin manekdi aitassili fai akraab wakte

salut mes amis
13 juillet 2004 14:47
u are absolutely right i will go make an appointment thanks for ur advice chireen
13 juillet 2004 14:50

Bla jmil khti smiling smiley waiting for your appointment, do some yoga, drink infusion and avoid discuss matters such, for example his mother grinning smiley
13 juillet 2004 14:52
LOL u are funny tell me how do u get those smily faces PLZZZZ ??I like to use them too
13 juillet 2004 14:52
chireen do u live in canada? cause ur english is excellent just wondering ??/
13 juillet 2004 14:57

Oh thank u smiling smiley No I live in France.

For your smileys :

The one with big teeth, you type : D without space you 'll get this grinning smiley
The shamy smile same way : ) without space you'll get this smiling smiley
If you want to show me your tongue : p so :p

Enjoy winking smiley
13 juillet 2004 15:00
thanks cool let me give them a shot
grinning smiley
smiling smiley
: P so
13 juillet 2004 15:00
Moi ça va je m enerve pas trop,je gere,je geresmiling smiley

13 juillet 2004 15:01
i got that one wrong :p so
13 juillet 2004 15:02
go it lolgrinning smiley
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