14.46.وَقَدْ مَكَرُواْ مَكْرَهُمْ وَعِندَ اللّهِ مَكْرُهُمْ وَإِن كَانَ مَكْرُهُمْ لِتَزُولَ مِنْهُ الْجِبَالُ
14.46. Certes, ils ont ourdi des complots. Mais leurs complots n'échappent pas à Dieu, fussent-ils de taille à déplacer les montagnes.
14.46 . Verily they have plotted their plot , and their plot is with Allah , though their plot were one whereby the mountains should be moved .
14.46. Waqad makaroo makrahum waAAinda Allahi makruhum wa-in kana makruhum litazoola minhu aljibalu
14.47.فَلاَ تَحْسَبَنَّ اللّهَ مُخْلِفَ وَعْدِهِ رُسُلَهُ إِنَّ اللّهَ عَزِيزٌ ذُو انْتِقَامٍ
14.47. Ne pense surtout pas que Dieu puisse manquer à Sa promesse envers Ses prophètes. En vérité, Dieu est Puissant et Terrible quand Il sévit.
14.47 . So think not that Allah will fail to keep His promise to His messengers . Lo! Allah is Mighty , Able to Requite ( the wrong ) .
14.47. Fala tahsabanna Allaha mukhlifa waAAdihi rusulahu inna Allaha AAazeezun thoo intiqamin
14.48.يَوْمَ تُبَدَّلُ الأَرْضُ غَيْرَ الأَرْضِ وَالسَّمَاوَاتُ وَبَرَزُواْ للّهِ الْوَاحِدِ الْقَهَّارِ
14.48. Le jour où la Terre sera changée en autre chose que la Terre, de même que les Cieux, ce jour-là les hommes comparaîtront devant Dieu, l'Unique, le Dominateur suprême.
14.48 . On the day when the earth will be changed to other than the earth , and the heavens ( also will be changed ) and they will come forth unto Allah , the One , the Almighty .
14.48. Yawma tubaddalu al-ardu ghayra al-ardi waalssamawatu wabarazoo lillahi alwahidi alqahhari
14.49.وَتَرَى الْمُجْرِمِينَ يَوْمَئِذٍ مُّقَرَّنِينَ فِي الأَصْفَادِ
14.49. Et on verra alors, ce jour-là, les criminels accouplés dans les chaînes ,
14.49 . Thou wilt see the guilty on that day linked together in chains .
14.49. Watara almujrimeena yawma-ithin muqarraneena fee al-asfadi
14.50.سَرَابِيلُهُم مِّن قَطِرَانٍ وَتَغْشَى وُجُوهَهُمْ النَّارُ
14.50. revêtus de goudron et les visages couverts de flammes,
14.50 . Their raiment of pitch , and the Fire covering their faces .
14.50. Sarabeeluhum min qatranin wataghsha wujoohahumu alnnaru
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